diPiculties and Cialis Mg Strength disturbances, which it is theirs to make. .\ttention is first called to the signs of mental enfeeblement. often remediable, which are too often overlooked. Partic- ular problems and manifestations of the only child, the fa- vorite child, such symptoms as night terrors, sleep walking, and those more common ones of selfishness, jealousy, and the like, all these are run down to their source in maladjust- ment through influence of environment and lack of proper guidance as well as through perhaps unsuspected emotional di.'turbance in childhood. Cialis Mg Strength The examination of these various symptomatic phenomena met with in childhood and last- ing over into adult life and the suggestions for detection -md treatment of them, as well as prevention of them, are j'.U fundamental and interpretative. They are conceived in terms of adaptability toward life instilled and fostered in childhood or failure of this and the child's centering of interest upon himself. This interpretative attitude might be still more comprehensive in the conception of the unity ot energy striving in each child life and find in this a still more complete method of approach both for training in the interpretation and correction of difficulties. The book, nevertheless, represents marked advance in this direction. Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Born. Sc.M.. -In New York, N. Y., on Sunday, February 24th. to Dr. loseph C. Seal, and Mrs. Seal, a son. Died. Ayvazian. — In New York, N. Y., on Friday. Cialis Mg Strength February 15th, Dr. .'\ntranig .'Kyvazian, aged sixty-seven years. Bi.xGiiA.M — In Madison, N. J., on Sunday, February. -'4th, Dr. Cialis Mg Strength Harry Varley Bingham, aged forty-two years. Brand. — In Camp Doniphan, Okla., on Monday. Feb- ruary nth. First Lieutenant George J. Brand. M. R. C. .\mbulance Company 137, aged thirty-four years. CoPF.LAND. — In Whitman, Mass., on Friday, February .Sth, Dr. Horatio F. Copeland, aget^ seventy-six years. CliTTS. — In Brookline. Mass.. on Friday. February 22A. Dr. Harry Madison Cutts, aged sixty years. Elliott. — In Peekskill. N. V., on Fridav. March 1st. Dr. ArUiur H. Elliott, of Flushing. N. Y. Frisseix. — In Wheeling, W. Va.. on Tuesday. February 1 Cialis Mg Strength 2th, Dr. Charles M. Frissell. aged fifty-eight years. Galliso.^j. — In Franklin, Mass.. on Wednesday, February 13th, Dr. .Ambrose J. Gallison. aged sixty-two years. Gough. — In Wausau, Wis., on Tuesday, February 12th. Dr. Qiarles R. Gough, aged thirty-one years. Hagadorn. — In St. Cloud. Fla.. on Monday. February nth. Dr. A. D. Hagadorn. of Lansing, Mich., aged seventy- tive years. Kixn. — In Muscatine, la., on Thursday. Cialis Mg Strength February 14th. Dr. Elbridge H. King, aged seventy-four years. I..\TiiR0P. — In Livingston Manor. N. Y.. on Friday. Feb- ruary isth. Dr. George H. Lathrop. Cialis Mg Strength aged sixty-eight years. McMullan.— In Elizabetli City. N. C. on Wednesday. February 13th. Dr. Oscar G. McMullan. aged sixty-one years. Morris. — In New York. N. Y.. on Monday, February 25th. Dr. George F. Morris. O'Brien. — In New York. N. Y.. on Monday, Febniarv l8th. Dr. John \. O'Brien. Pratt. — In Fort D. .\. Russell, Wyo., on Tuesday, Feb- ruary I2th, Captain Frank S. Pratt, M. R. C. of Gardiner, Ore., aged fifty-four years. Cialis Mg Strength Serijanian. — In Lawrence, Mass.. on Thursday, Feb- ruary 7th, Dr. Tatio K. Serijanian. aged fifty-three years. ZERRirrT. — In Norfolk. Va . on Thursday. February 7th, Dr. Carroll G. Zerrett. aged fifU' Cialis Mg Strength years. New York Medical Journal INCORPORATING THE Philadelphia Medical Journal 2' Medical News A Weekly Review of Medicine, Established 1843. Vol. CVII, No. 11. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1918. Whole No. 2050. Original Communications THE treatmI':nt of pneumonia. The Croupous Type. By Robert Franklin Ives, M. D., F. A. C. P.. New York. The Cialis Mg Strength busy practitioner, anxious Cialis Mg Strength to learn the truth in order to formulate successful plans of treatment, seeks earnestly through current literature and reads eagerly reports from laboratories and scientific institutes, such as the Rockefeller Institute and the Carnegie Laboratory, to obtain reliable suggestions to aid him in his battle with this "captain of the men of death" — pneumonia. For ages, the treat- ment resolved itself in empiricism, for although the gross and minute Cialis Mg Strength lesions were recognized ]iath- ologically by Laennec and Virchow and their con- iemporaries, the specific cause was not realized until the discovery by Frankcl of the Dipiococcus